Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Sandal-wearing-brie-munchers and prison

Dom had an exciting sushi lunch today.
It was from Tesco and it came with wasabi and ginger.

Seemed to really enjoy it but I think the wasabi shocked him.

He also brought back some kebab flavoured Pringles for everyone in the office.
They were weird but nicer than you'd think.

Had a bit of a weird day today.

Discussed everything from going to the Hay Book Festival to going to prison.

Dom said he didn't fancy the book festival because he imagined it would be full of "sandal-wearing-brie-munchers".

Didn't fancy prison either but we all had different ideas on how we'd survive.

I said I'd be a snitch - Dom said he'd be one of the harder inmate's 'partner'.

"I'd be giving all sorts of information away," I said.

"I'd be wearing eye-liner and tying my shirt up before I knew it," he said.

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