Monday, May 17, 2010

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder

It seems Dom has gone Tesco sandwich mad.
He went for a chicken and chorizo one today. Looked good and he seemed to enjoy it.

I had soup because I have a really bad ulcer which hurts when I eat solid food.
It’s on the right side of my bottom lip.

Worryingly, it is in the exact opposite position to where Dom had one two weeks ago.
The reason why this is concerning me is because I woke up with my ulcer the day after a drunken me and Dom had enjoyed a night of living room UFC fighting.

Dom loves UFC.

He taught me a ground and pound, a few submissions, I remember him teaching me full guards, side guards and mounts.
I remember him saying: “I need to get in between your thighs for this one” before accidentally elbowing my face.

I don’t remember much else.

This wouldn’t worry me half as much as it does if me and Dom didn’t have a history of getting in dodgy situations after a drink.

Once, the two of us stayed in watching the documentary Dig while drinking absinthe.

The last thing I remember was listening to the first two or three tracks of the ‘Holy Bible’ before waking up 7.30am.
I had literally spent the night sleeping on Dom’s lap as he slept sitting upright on the settee.

Apparently I got all angry and shouted ‘Sleep there!” while pointing at the settee just before I went to bed.

Earlier today we were discussing the new film ‘Hot Tub Time Machine’

Dom likes to think that the whole film came to be because someone in Hollywood forgot he had a meeting on the day they were discussing new ideas for a film.

Dom’s ideal scenario goes a little something like this...

Boss: “So did anyone have any new ideas for the new film? How about you?” (Points at the guy who forgot he had a meeting)
The guy who forgot he had a meeting: “Uh.... how about.....uh.... Hot tub... uh.... Time Machine?”
Boss: “I love it! Get John Cusack on the phone.”

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