Friday, May 14, 2010

Such fond memories...

Today we went to the Belle Vue - aka the birth place of Dom's Food Diary.
For those of you who remember it is the place we like to go when we get paid because it is more classy than 'Spoons.
When we ate there after getting paid in January Dom had a go at me for not remembering what he had to eat on our last visit and hence 'What I saw Dom eat today' was born.

It was also the place where he dropped a chip and caught it with his legs and the place where he coined the phrase 'Death or Glory'.

He actually used that phrase while eating at the Belle today which was nice.
He estimated afterwards that it was the third or fourth time he had ever used it.

Today he said it while struggling with his curry, chips and rice.
Fair play, it was huge.

He tried his best to eat it all and he did particularly well.

He did go quiet for a bit and I also caught him 'having a breather'.

He looked upset at one point but he soon came out of it when a full Dom reminded himself of the amazing way he spent Tuesday night.

We went out for food on Tuesday after work and Dom shared a lift home with our friend Louise and her dog.
The Chihuahua/Jack Russell had been staying a Lou's sister's house where it was clearly spoilt with too much chicken.

He said it was really full and couldn't be bothered to move.

Dom said he spent the six mile car journey back to his house winding the poor pup up by blowing on the back of its ear because it couldn't be bothered to defend itself.

At one point Dom did an impression of the full dog.

Cath almost choked on a bit of ham.

The end.

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