Monday, May 10, 2010

A vicious, sexy circle.

So Dom's back in work after a week off.
Dom celebrated his return to work with a World Cup themed sandwich from Tesco. He opted for Chilli Beef.

He's missed out on all the news....

The main story he was late reading about was the one where Danny Dyer got in trouble for his advice column.
When asked for advice from some man who had been dumped the 32-year-old dick head suggested he should "cut" his ex-girlfriend's face "so no one will want her".

He lost his column as a result.

Dom was about to make a joke about the situation but stopped.
He said he didn't want to get in trouble and get his column taken off him.

Dave asked what column.

Dom said: "Come over here and I'll show you my column." In his dirty voice that has freaked me out for years.

I told him that if he wasn't careful I'd cut his column so no one would want it.

Dom was also out of the office for the election excitement.
All he had to say on that matter was that he felt sorry for Gordon Brown.

Not because his party suffered a major defeat, not because he seems likely to be kicked out of his home but because, and I quote: "He has a big, sad, bear face."

Dom started a conversation about bodybuilders earlier.

Said they freak him out because he can't look at them without imagining touching their 'oiled up muscles'.

He said this gave him a fear that aroused him but then the arousal added to his fear which increased the arousal.

We agreed it was like a 'vicious, sexy circle'.

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