Thursday, April 29, 2010

A ghetto lunch

Wetherspoon's have a new menu!
That's literally all the news I have today.

Dom had a chorizo/pasta dish that looked really nice. Cost him £6 though which he wasn't too pleased about.

I tried to talk him out of paying that much for a meal because I knew he's be in a mood if it was rubbish.
I suggested he should wait until after pay day.

"It's not the money Jame," he said.
"I'm a high roller."

Spent most of the lunch trying to swat a fly.
Kelly told him to do it slowly, my advice was to aim to hit where it's about to fly, Ian said he wouldn't have tried hitting it.

"What else am I supposed to do when it's getting all up in my grill?" Dom asked.

Just heard Dom talking about someone who has written a 10 minute song about Jesus. Said he's paid £26,000 for an orchestra to record the song.

When I asked who it was Dom said...

"Lee Ryan.
"You know, the cretin from Blue."

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