Monday, April 12, 2010

Just putting this out there...

Extra! Extra! Dom's Food Diary goes national.

Yep that's right.
This time tomorrow an 800 word article about Dom's Food Diary will be featured in WM - the Western Mail's weekly women's supplement.
I'll post the article on the blog after it's been printed for those of you who won't have access to a newsagent that sells the Western Mail.

I should point out that if you are a WM reader who is checking out the blog for the first time then you should take a look back at the old blogs on the right side of this page.

It will help to explain the sort of person Dom is and more importantly it will help me appear less mental.

Dom is aware of the article but he seems to be trying his best to ignore it.

He bought his food while I was out of the office today. I returned to see him finishing what looked like a chicken/salad baguette.
He also ate a chocolate brownie at around 10am which he enjoyed.

I'm hoping some rich entrepreneur with more money than sense happens to catch a glimpse of the article tomorrow.
Maybe they would snap up the rights to publish Dom's Food Diary in time for Christmas.

In could be the best selling diary in history - no competition immediately springs to mind.

I would use the money to follow Dom and his eating habits in a documentary.
I've started having this amazing idea of getting Dom to take part in a 'Super size Me' style film.
Instead of McDonald's he would live solely on Cheese and Ale.

I think the results would be funny, emotional and terrifying. All the makings of a good blockbuster.

Talking of films Dom found an interesting one today.

It's called the Human Centipede and follows three people who get drugged by a mad doctor.
According to wiki: "The doctor explains that he is a world renowned expert at separating conjoined twins, but dreams of creating new beings that share a single digestive system by joining separate individuals via their mouths and anuses"

If any new reader happens to be a mad doctor I would like to point out that after a brief discussion me and Dom decided that we definitely wouldn't want this to happen to us. It would definitely bring a new meaning the phrase ‘What I saw Dom Eat Today’.
If it did happen we would both prefer to be at the front.
Should the front not be available we definitely don't want to be in the middle.

Just so you know...

The poster for The Human Centipede just incase, like myself, you didn't believe it was true

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