Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The return of the blog

So Dom and I are back in work for the first time in more than two weeks.

Technically we did work together for a couple of hours yesterday but we finished before lunch and I didn't see the point in blogging Dom's McDonald's breakfast.
I couldn't leave it out completely so I'm documenting it today.

He enjoyed but said it left him feeling dirty.
He says whenever he eats something really greasy he feels like he needs a shower.

"It's like when I want to wash my face after I've had a Chinese," Dom said

Anyway, today was my first proper day in work with Dom.

The day started with Dom subbing some pages, I don't know what story he was reading but at one point he came out with 'I don't like the term brain child, it freaks me out."

He said the term always makes him think of a 'childlike brain' like Krang from the Turtles. (See fig 1)

Fig 1

Dom had a Bombay Badboy Pot Noodle today. Didn't talk about it, think he was hoping I'd leave the blog after such a long break.

Also just had one crisp from a big bag of pickled onion flavoured Monster Munch.
He said it's one of the foods that makes his mouth water before it is in his mouth. Said he gets a similar experience from Chipsticks.

When he said that I realised that my mouth was watering too.

I hate it when he does that.

He makes me aware of things that I have done for more than 25 years subconsciously.
He ruins little things that I have been blissfully unaware of carrying out.

So far he has ruined blinking, breathing and now pickled onion flavoured Monster Munch.

The worst one was when he pointed out that in its normal resting position your tongue goes to the roof of your mouth.

It does but I swear mine hasn't since.

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