Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A sexy dance and crisp worries...

Remember when Dom jumped on me with a kitchen knife?
Well I had a whole new experience this morning.

I think the 8 o'clock starts make him go funny.

I came into work, went to the kitchen and found Dom making tea and coffee for everyone.

He turned round holding the kettle and did what he called a 'little sexy dance'

He said because he was holding the kettle it provided 'just the right mix of danger and arousal'.

He was right.

Don't know if it was caused by the dancing but Dom was moaning about a bad back earlier.
He has done since he went on a trampoline in the summer of 2009.

"Trampolines... bad news," he often says.

He went to Gregg's today and ate a bloomer of some sort.

Also had a few of the World Cup flavoured crisps.

We tried guessing what they were, when i said Cheeseburger after tasting the Garlic bread Dom told me I had a tumour.
Might get that checked out...

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