Monday, April 26, 2010

Bonus tomato

Dom had a chicken pesto and sun dried tomato baguette from Gergg's today.
I know this because after he apparently finished he shouted.
"Oh yeah!"
"Thought I finished and I just found bonus chicken and tomato."

I have a bruise on my back. Dom just threatened to hurt it.
Dom and I went out on Saturday with our friend Rob for a walk along the canal.
It was like a weird version of Stand by Me and it has since been described as the Last of the Summer Wine - for gays.

Well it was fun.

Dom posed for a picture with a cow (or bull as he claims), he vaulted a fence and did a forward roll.

My favourite bit was when some 'local' in a tiny village pub assumed we were in a band because as Dom put it 'we had haircuts'.

Anyway Rob bruised by back and Dom just said 'I'm going to come over there and knee you in your bruise' because I got 'Love in an Elevator' stuck in his head.

I said that was rich coming from him after all the songs he has got stuck in my head over the years.

They include the song that never ends from the end of Lambchops Play-a-long and the classic early 90s advert for the Horse magazine that went.. "Ilove horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friend."

Even as I write this he is singing a twisted cover called 'Jesus Don't Want me for a Mung Bean'.

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