Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Rude and intrusive

Dom and I both turned up for work with 'wacky hair' today.
I have no idea why - Dom told everyone he sent a memo out yesterday.

Dom soon forgot about his wacky hair when he was criticising others - today it started with Heidi Montag from the Hills.

"That's the thing with cosmetic surgery," he said.
"Women should bear in mind that the more you have the more you end up looking like a tranny.
"Katie Price is basically a transvestite.”

Dom had a steak and cheese subway today.
I missed him eating it because I was out but he told me.
I wish I could say he was helping me with the blog but he wasn't.
He was shouting at me because I was eating a 'fruity lunch'.
I had chicken and salad with a bit of cous cous.

This enraged Dom.

"I should start Jamie's Fruity Food Diary," he threatened.
He then proceeded to shout out the ingredients of his dinner.

"That's a manly lunch," he said.

I told him to stop going on about what I was eating because it was rude and intrusive.

WM article went in today. I'll post it in a blog for those of you who couldn't get a copy.

Dom's pretending it hasn't happened.

"I am going to go to my grave having not read what is in that," he said.

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