Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Filling fish and chips

Dom had chips today after reading an advert in the paper.
Had some fish with them too.

Really enjoyed his food but he was really full. Even left some chips.

Told me I could eat them if I wanted like a big boy.

He's been saying that a lot today. For example he told me to go and get a key cut like a good boy.

Says he'll keep doing it for ages. Probably will.

I started saying 'like a good boy' after everything I announced to get in before him but he says he prefers that.

I can't wain.

Wednesdays have been weird for two weeks.
Last week I had the sexy kettle dance, the week before I had the near knife attack.

This morning Dom just asked me who my favourite turtle was.

"Raphael," I said.

"Good man," Dom said.

He then went on to say Leonardo was a bit of a goody two shoes, and that he didn't like Donatello.
To be fair he soon added that at least Donatello was the only turtle to use his weapon as a weapon.
Said the others would always use thei swords to cut a rope so something would fall on BeeBop and/or Rocksteady.
Seems Michaelangelo is his least favourite.

"He was borderline retarded," Dom said.
"It would always be his fault when things went wrong.
"The episodes would end with him messing up their pizzas - he'd order some ridiculous topping like chocolate and condoms or something.
"All the turtles would laugh - I would have been tamping."

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