Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spit Spot

Dom's back in work.
He celebrated by having a chicken tikka sandwich, a pack of crisps and a little muffin just now.

Remember when Dom made fun of me for eating girly food and watching girly TV?
There are a few references to these remarks scattered throughout the blog.

Well, I thought you all should know that he confessed to watching yet another girly film.

I already knew that he watched and enjoyed Mean Girls but today he confessed to watching the Devil Wears Prada.

In fairness he didn't enjoy it and Ian did trump him by admitting to owning the same film.

Dom had a bit of a strop earlier. He often threatens to Hulk out and smash through the wall.
Today was the closest it's ever got to happening and the tiniest spark caused it.

It literally only took Kelly to say 'Come on, snap snap' Instead of 'Come on then, chop,chop'.

He was making fun of her saying it wrong when Sam and Cath incorrectly informed him that it was a saying from Mary Poppins.

At this point Kelly was making tea in the other room so Dom shouted out that she was fine to say 'Snap Snap' because it was from Mary Poppins.

Dave heard this and pointed out that Mary Poppins actually says “Spit Spot”.

That was it..

Dom went mental...

"Sort yourselves out!" he shouted.

"I've gone and announced it now!"

"You've made a fool of me!"

(Throws chair)

"For the last time!"

He calmed down when we started talking about the volcano in Iceland.

Dom said they should solve the problem by throwing Tom Hanks in there.

I know now that this is a Jo Vs the Volcano reference - I haven't seen this film.

When I told Dom this he called me an 'uncouth fellow'.

Edior's note: I have been asked to point out that the strop was ironic

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