Thursday, April 22, 2010

An awkward encounter after an all day breakfast

As I write this I'm recovering from an awkward encounter with Dom but I'll get to that later.

Tried a new place for food today.
It was the pub with the rubbish jukebox that we drank in on Friday.
They do main meals for only £2.99.
Dom had the all day breakfast which looked awesome.
I had a steak which was rubbish.
Dom told me that's what Is should expect when ordering £2.99 steak - at least four times.

Dom thoroughly enjoyed his breakfast which came with chips.
Said he couldn't remember the last time he had dipped a chip in an egg.

My favourite bit was...

We were all chatting away when we heard a muffled 'uh-oh' coming from Dom's side of the table.
We turned to see Dom with his head against the plate with a little bit of bacon hanging out of his mouth.
He clearly hadn't cut it properly - I hate it when that happens.

Dom just popped out for a slush puppy which leads me on to my awkward encounter...

He asked everyone if they wanted a slush puppy, when he asked me he stood inappropriately close to me (as he does sometimes).
However, this time I felt something from Dom's trouser area rubbing on my arm.
It left my arm feeling cold and weird even after he walked off.
Sort of like a horrible version of when you've had a Christmas cracker hat on all day and you're never quite sure if you're still wearing it or not.

When I told Dom we spent a while trying to work out what it was.
We eventually decided that it must have been something he had in his pocket. He even let me feel it through his trousers again to put my mind at rest.
I did and it did feel like the thing that was on my arm moments earlier - this made me feel better but come to think of it he still hasn't told me what that was.

It was like a blindfolded version of Offal Jim Jam - a game made popular by Ricky Gervais.


I don't know why the whole thing bothered me so much - I once had a much worse encounter.

I was in a different Wetherspoons years ago having lunch with people in my old office.
We'd ordered food and I sat around chatting with my back to the bar.
At one point as I was over gesturing I did a *weighing things up scale type move* and actually 'cupped' the waiter who had come to bring the food.

No joking, it lasted about 3 seconds, I felt everything and I actually made eye contact with him during.

Sometimes writing the blog feels like counselling.

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