Thursday, March 18, 2010

Europe's simplest man

Had a Wetherspoon's lunch today.
We were short staffed so only me, Dom and Dave went to the pub.

Dom and a cheese pasty, chips and beans.

Said it was a 'school dinner' and he seemed to really enjoy it.

Had a weird smelling ale that he didn't finsh because he said it tasted like the smell.

Had a Tuborg to make up for it.

We were just talking about Live from Studio Five - the Channel 5 show with Ian Wright and 2 girls who shout their thoughts on current affairs over each other for half hour..

My favourite bit was when described Ian Wright as 'Europe's simplest man'"

Yesterday Dom asked me how often I change my jeans.

I said not that often and when I asked Dom he said: "Only when there's an odour or visible stain, like when I get drunk and rub curry in them."

In the same conversation he started talking about popular band The View.

"I can't understand why he's bragging about having the same jeans on for four days," Dom said.
"Four days! That's child's play."

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