Monday, March 08, 2010

A new low

Dom had a lamb doner kebab flavour Pot Noodle today.
Said it was amongst the top five worst things he had ever tasted and that it left him feeling 'depressed and empty'.
He bought three Pot Noodles on offer the other day, the only ones on offer were of the Bombay Bad Boy and the dreaded lamb doner kebab varierty.
Said he didn't want three Bombay Bad Boys so bought the takeaway flavour.

"It's my terrible morbid curiosity," Dom said.
"It's the same thing that has made me watch so many beheadings on the internet.
"Strangely, none of them left me feeling as depressed and empty as this," he said while eating it.

I said I couldn't understand why he ever thought it would be a good idea when he doesn't even eat lamb kebabs.

"Everyone likes the taste them when they're eating them drunk," Dom said.
"I just don't like the way they make me feel - particulalry the feeling I get when I wake up next to dog food and garlic."

It's safe to say it was Dom's worst lunch since the blog started.

Any doubts were shattered moments after the Pot Noodle when Dom shouted 'OH! Now my banana is horribly bruised.'

Dom's Food Diary is my first ever blog.
Years ago I wanted to start a column called 'Things what I don't see much of no more'.
It would basically feature small stories on things from your childhood that don't make appearances in your day-to-day life anymore.
We remembered it today because Dom was talking about getting grass cuts and squeezing those red ant things.

Dom said something that he doesn't see much of no more is white dog poo.

"I miss white dog poo," Dom said.
"It was a staple from my childhood."

Dane Bowers is performing in a club near our office soon.
We were trying to remember his early work after seeing an advert earlier.

Dom remembered he sang a bit on Another Level's 'Freak Me'.

"My main memory of that song was seeing them perform on Blue Peter," Dom said.
"There was a lot of gyrating going on and I remember feeling embarrassed.
"I'm guessing my nan was in the room," he added.

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