Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hey, hey. My, my...

Discussed stopping the blog yesterday.
Dom said I should stop it before people get sick of it.

He said he didn't think so many people would read it but also added that I should stop before it gets annoying.

"It's better to burn out than fade away," Dom said.

Ian said: "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

Dom said it's better to 'be a match than a lighter'.

He felt the need to explain this.

It was probably something about the blank look I had on my face crossed with me still humming 'Hey, Hey. My, My' after his first quote.

I get it now.

Went to the pub today. Dom had two pints of Brain's and a gourmet burger.
It looked huge but he finished it without complaint.

Talked about the first CDs or tapes we bought as kids.

Dom's was the single of Golden Eye and 2 Unlimited's album.

He also told us about buying a White Zombie tape in school.
He decided to give it a blast when he got back to his nan's.
He put it on, when his nan was still in the room, and 'More human than human' came on.
If you don't know the song you should quickly Youtube it and picture listening to it with your nan. Or just download it and listen to it with your nan on Mother's Day to get the full effect.

It basically features a woman making sex noises over a bass line.

Said he had to listen to it all because he didn't want to turn it off because that way he would be letting his nan know that he knew what it was.

Young Dom obviously didn't learn his lesson.

I know of at least two similar incidents.
He often talks about watching the sex scene in Trainspotting with his mam at a young age and the other involves watching Pulp Fiction with his mam.

During the scene with the gimp a fully aware Dom sat in an awkward silence while Marsellus moaned in the locked room.
As Bruce Willis was choosing his weapon Dom's mother said: "I wish he'd hurry up - they're going to beat him to death!"

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