Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Isn't it ironic? Or not...

Seems Dom is finally learning some lessons from the blog.
He went to Gregg's today and ordered a egg and bacon baguette without a side dish of sausage roll.
After Gregg's he usually moans that he's too full and he hasn't moaned that he's still hungry yet so I'm guessing he got the balance just right.
I know he opted for some Quavers too so they probably helped.

He said Quavers are the best type of food for him as they don't require chewing or swallowing. He sucks on them until the turn into mush and then just slip down his throat.

After saying this Dom said he needed his irony sign because they weren't his 'actual veiws'.

Dom doesn't have an irony sign - but he should.

Says he's worried because people take him seriously when he's being ironic and he is ironic a lot.

It's easy to see why irony confuses people.
Dom blames Alanis Morissette and he's right to do so.

Dying seconds after winning the lottery - not ironic.
Black fly in Chardonnay - not ironic.
Pardoned of murder 2 minutes after execution - not ironic.
Plane crashing the first time you've taken a flight - not ironic.
Traffic jam when you're late - not ironic.
No smoking sign on a fag break - not ironic.
Having 10,000 spoons when you only need a life - not ironic.
Meeting the man/woman of your dreams and then meeting his/her beautiful wife/husband - not ironic.
Free ride once you've paid - not ironic.
Raining on your wedding day - not ironic.

Dom said the song should be renamed and that pre-chorus should say 'isn't it annoying'

That would be more accurate.

I said perhaps she's being really clever and she knows that the song is ironic because the song doesn't contain any irony.

"She isn't," Dom said.


  1. Amateur hour!!!

    "It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a KNIFE"

  2. Also it was a chicken and bacon baguette
