Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Blasphobbling if you will

Dom had a McDonald's again today.
He announced his intentions of getting one really early like he did the last time he had one within the blog era.

He took the tomato out before eating the burger even though he doesn't mind tomatoes.

Not sure the McDonald's was for the best today as his health isn't improving.
Hasn't had another nosebleed but his back and legs are playing up.

I think it's just because of the stupid office karate move he pulled off yesterday.
I was typing away when Dom's knee came very close to my ribs.

"That would have ended you," Dom said.
"Your rib would have gone into your lung."

He's not so confident today, he just hobbling while blaspheming - blasphobbling if you will.

Dom had what I like to call a mini-rant earlier about people who say ASDAS and Tescos instead of ASDA and Tesco.

He says he can't understand where it all started.

"Do you know what Tesco stands for," he asked me.
I was just about to answer when he said: "Good value and low, low prices."

This led to a conversation of which was better - ASDA or Tesco.

Dom said he didn't like Tesco because it was 'too bleak'.
I can't put a finger on it or explain why but I sort of agree.

Other people in the office liked Tesco but I said I prefer ASDA too.

Dom seemed pleased with the support.

Well he did punch his chest before thrusting his fist in the air.

1 comment:

  1. YeAh , Well have you heard this? Here in Liverpool, people call Home Bargains, "Home and Bargain". I did TOO until I was corrected last year. Home and bargain, it makes no sense.

    And I fully agree with you and Dom on the Asda v Tesco thingy. It's as though someone has turned the contrast down in Tesco, and the brightness up a little too much.
