Friday, March 05, 2010

Why you should avoid free washing machines

Went to Wetherspoons again today.

Dom had a panini. He wanted cheese and ham but they gave him cheese and tomato.
Didn't kick up too much of a fuss.

Think he's learnt his lesson there.

Years ago we went to a different Wetherspoons and we waited over and hour for food and when it eventually came it was all wrong and tasted rubbish.
Normally when something like this happens Dom threatens to 'hulk out' and 'punch through a wall.

However, on this occasion, in his post-disappointing lunch rage Dom scribbled a note on a napkin that read: "Shit food. Took ages. Thanks"

When his rage lifted he regretted the move and we didn't eat at that 'Spoons for some time.
I've since heard from a member of staff that the note was kept - they posted it on the wall of the kitchen.

(Dom just flicked my ear)

While we ate I noticed that me and Dom have the same marks on our shirt sleeve cuffs.
Neither of us know where they come from.

Kelly said it was probably from the ironing. I'm ashamed to say neither one of us could verify this.

Dom takes his clothes to his mam for washing because he doesn't have a washing machine in his flat. I felt bad for him for not having a washing machine until he explained that he's had to come up with clever ways of getting out being given a free washing machine - twice.

We were talking about the pros and cons of moving out.

Dom said he hates hoovering, particulalry when the hoover won't pick something up.
"I end up picking it up myself and feeding it to the hoover," he said.

(Dom just flicked my ear)

Dom likes shopping for himself but said he's like a big kid.

"If I buy something nice, I'll eat it all," he said.
"I once ate three yogurts because no one was there to stop me."

Quiz machine did not want to pay up today. Worst it's been for a while.
No luck with Noel Edmunds so we tried pub quiz.

Lost that too but we did end up discussing our favourite Eggheads.

Dom doesn't like Daphne Fowler.

"She's evil," he said.
"She's there with her smile and lisp but if you look deep into her eyes she is pure evil.
"She would literally stamp on kittens to win a quiz," he added.

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