Wednesday, March 17, 2010

An eight year old's guide to business

I've been out of the office for a while today and missed Dom having lunch.

He was enjoying a choclate and orange flavoured milkshake when I got back.
Said it tasted like someone had melted a Terry's Chocolate Orange into a carton.

He let me try some. It was nice.

He may have opted for a milkshake because he's been warm today.

There's a mini battle in the office over the heating system - the girls want the radiators up full and the air conditioner blasting out 30c air.
The boys are more or less happy with room temperature.

Dom pondered this morning as to whether there was a genetic reason to explain why girls are 'always freezing'.
"You don't exist in the same temperature sphere as us normal people," he said.

Dom was moaning about having to wash his own car earlier and asked why kids don't come round asking if you want your car washed like they we used to when we were young.
After a couple of minutes he put the blame on 'too many paedos'.

He said when he was eight him and a friend spent the day collecting blackberries to sell around the streets.

The business venture didn't go to well, it ended in them having a fight and going their separate ways because the friend wanted to sell them for 99p and Dom wanted to sell them for £1 because they didn't have change.

"He was like 'if we say 99p people will think it's much cheaper than a £1 - it's the first rule of business' "," Dom recalled.
"And I was like 'shut up, we're eight' ".

Just found out that Dom opted for Domino's today. He just had cheese and tomato pizza.
Kelly had to ring to order them because Dom didn't want to. Kelly ended up having to do a story so Dom ended up picking up two pizzas by himself under the name Kelly.

That'll teach him.

Been trying to do a story on Google Streetview - saw a woman moaning on a forum saying that between Facebook and Streetview we have no privacy.
She claimed that burglars could use Streetview to check out our houses for easy access and then use Facebook to see when we update our status about going away on holiday.

Dom had a simple solution for her problems.

"Don't add burglars on Facebook," he said.

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