Thursday, March 04, 2010

A drunken biscuit row

I think I may have just been involved in a drunken biscuit row.
I don't think you know you've been in one until it's over.
It just happened so fast.

We went to the pub for dinner.
Dom skipped food there and just had a pint of 5% ale.
He said he drank it too quick and that he felt it go to his head - so he drank another one to be safe.

We lost some money on Deal or No Deal but won some on Pub Quiz.

He had a sub when he got back to the office and Cath just made a round of hot drinks. Dom went to go and get somke office biscuits to have with his coffee.

He chose regular Hob Nobs and dark chocolate Hob Nobs.

Kelly asked him not to get anything with chcolate on because she's given it up for Lent.

Dom said 'Jesus wouldn't mind'.

Anyway, during the biscuits Dom started defending Maryland cookies when someone said they aren't the best.
Cath said the Tesco ones are good and Dom kicked off - probably more than he would have pre-two pints.

I tried agreeing with Cath and somehow got in Dom's firing line.

"That's absolutely ridiculous."
"The Tesco ones are too big, you can't dunk them in your tea like this," he said before taking a Hob Nob out of the packet, dunking it in his coffee and eating it in one go."

I said that not everyone eats biscuits like that.

"They do," Dom said before trying his usual psychology trick on me - luckily Sam spotted it.

"Oh, how do you eat them them then?," he said.
"Do you nibble around the sides like a big gaylord."

"It always comes down to gaylord," Sam said.

Dom laughed. I took advantage of his change in mood by suggesting he should try the Tesco cookies.

"You should try one of them," I said.

"Try this," Dom said with his fingers up.

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