Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Please welcome to the stage the Jumbo Pencil Groin Stabbers

Dom went to Gregg's today.
He had a soft baguette that had some cucumber in it.
Probably had some other things in it too but I feel bad wathcing too closely when he's having his lunch break especially on Tuesday - the longest day of the week.

We start at 8am on Tuesdays and the early morning conversation isn't usually of the highest standard - today was different.

Ian brought up X Ray glasses quite early.
He said that people always assume you would see naked people through them when in reality you would see bones.

(Dom just walked by my desk- he jabbed me in the ribs while singing blog, blog, blog, blog to the tune of the baseball theme music)

Dom said X Ray glasses would have plenty of other uses.
He said you could check the amount of crisps in packets to make sure you were getting value for money before buying them.
Also said you could ensure you were getting a good toy from kinder eggs.

Later on we discussed Limos or as Domc alls them - slag mobiles.
He must have been in a mood because he went off on a rant in which he said the only reason the windows were blacked out is to stop drivers from seeing the people inside and ramming into them.

Dom enjoys finding the best stories of the day and summarising them to the office.

Today's was about a woman who cause a pile up in America because she crashed while shaving her bikini line.

Yesterday's was about a man who killed himself by stabbing his groin repeatedly with a novelty jumbo pencil.

This inspired Dom.

For some time he discussed forming a band called the Jumbo Pencil Groin Stabbers.

He often talks about forming bands but he never gets further than the name.

My favourite so far is 'Space Fighter Karate Bastard'.

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