Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The 10th blog

So here it is... and they said it couldn't be done.
Ian reckons there's this ridiculous theory that people get bored of anything and everything by the time it gets to number nine.

I said if this was true then golf wouldn't be so popular.

Dom ate a tuna mayo baguette. Interesting point of note - he used a fork to eat all the overflowing filling to that it wouldn't squish all over his face as he eats it.
He didn't say this today but he's revealed this method in the past.

He thinks my blog posts are getting shoddy because I'm not posting them around dinner time.
A certain reader who shall remain nameless, for now, also said that they had to re-read yesterday's blog because I've taken too long with this.

You're such a demanding fan base - now I know how Michael Jackson felt while trying to meet unrealsitic public demands - and look what happened to him.

Today I decided to do what all long running, successful TV programmes do and run a Dom's Food Diary style clip show every 10 blogs.

I'll list my top 3 highlights and you can list yours as comments on the Facebook page.

In reverse order mine are...

3 Describing Special Brew as a "soup - a soup that makes you want to fight"
2 Meat or Streep? The gameshow devised and hosted by Dominic Jones
1 The heart-warming moment that he dropped a chip... but caught it with his legs.

(If this was played in slow-mo with music in the background it would have almost definitely topped the ending of Cool Runnings. Maybe I should start making this a video blog.)

For motivation purposes I'll also include a bi-monthly section called 'Praise for Dom's Blog'.
I'll post this as a new entry.

Today we discussed starting a lottery syndicate.
Ian said if we won and someone forgot to pay in advance they should lose out on the winnings.
This disgusted Dom - possibly too much.

"When it gets to a point when even I'm appalled at you then you need to take a long hard look at yourself," he said.
"I hope there's a hell just so you can go there," he added.

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