Friday, January 22, 2010

Memories and Merchandise

We've had our first Dom food memory sent in overnight!
Please keep sending your memories in. All submitters will be kept anonymous.
This one came from a Mr Griffiths

"Once, when Dom was in Newcastle, he went to Subway late at night after a long session in the pub and thought it would be a good idea to high-five the "sandwich artist" who served him his sub."

Thanks for that Rhys.

Funny that the memory was Subway based because Dom had another Subway today.
It was a 6" sub with Doritos (regular cheese this time) and a Coke.
I suspect the sub was the Italian BMT - Dom refused to confirm this.
I said that if he doesn't start assisting then I'm going to have to start checking for myself.

Also had a request for t-shirts today from the council girls.
We haven't decided what the front design will be but they have asked that the back should feature a list of all the places that Dom has eaten in and the various dates.
A little bit like when big bands go on world tours.

I like this idea.

On another note it seems me and Dom have a weird psychic connection that ends in us buying the same trousers. We have an identical pair of brown trousers and a very similar pair of grey ones.

I'd like some advice.

Is it better for us to wear them on the same day or to alternate?
They both have cons.

Same day looks like we're wearing a uniform.
Different looks like we share trousers.

Answers on the Facebook fan page please.

Apparently Dom eats crisps 'like a dream'. (In other words quietly)
I eat them very loud. Dom says this is because I keep my mouth open so the noise echoes around my "giant skull".

It's been a successful first week - spread the word - invite your friends to join the Facebook group and I'll be back next week with more of Dom's Food Diary.

Have a good weekend.

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