Thursday, January 28, 2010

Free pie syndrome and sneezing etiquette

Dom turned down a free pie today.

A man from Peter's Pies dropped off some Six Nations special edition pies.
We were allowed two each but Dom declined.

"I'm not enough of a pie fan," he said.
"I'd just be taking it because it's free," he added.

I'm not surprised at this behaviour, Dom has a weird thing when it comes to free food.
He refuses to use coupons to get money off anything. No matter how good the deal is.
The only aspect of free food he seems comfortable with is the use of tasting bowls you find in continental markets.

Then he samples like a beast.

Dom chose Subway again today, he had the club sub. Also had a pint of Guinness in the pub.

Kelly did a little sneeze earlier and Dom used the opportunity to have a go at me and my famous loud sneeze.

"That was a perfect sneeze," he said. "It was discreet and contained."

By amazing coincidence Dom did a little sneeze moments later.
Kelly returned the compliment but Dom was modest in his response.

"That wasn't the best," he said.
"It caught me off guard."

The best thing I've discovered so far in 2010 is that I can't sing the 'And the band begins to play' bit of Yellow Submarine without Dom doing the instrumental on the air trombone.

Dom likes air instruments. We did a beautiful acapella version of Something by The Beatles yesterday. Unfortunately we were cut off by someone asking a question. This annoyed Dom.

"I can't believe you interrupted me while my air guitar was gently weeping," he said.

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