Monday, January 18, 2010

Would you like that toasted? Squashed? Rolled up like a tube?

Date: Monday, January 18
Venue: Subway (Ate it in the office)

Dom didn't seem too bothered when he saw me reach for my notebook that I allocate to his eating habits when he came back from Subway.
He says I'll get bored of this before he does.

We'll see about that - me and this blog are his equivalent of playing fetch with a dog or hide and seek with a baby. He just doesn't know that yet.

I guessed he'd ordered the chicken tikka sub because it is Monday's 'Sub of the Day' then I checked Friday's entry and realised he had tikka at the Belle.
He actually went for Steak and Cheese which would have been my second guess. He chose Italian Herbs and Cheese which is definitely the best bread. He also had a pack of flaming cheese Doritos and a large drink. (It looked like Coke™).

He said he only went for the drink and crisps because he was paying with a £20 note.
He said it felt more appropriate buying a meal because he was using a 'big note'.*

He had it toasted and with pickles. I think he only didn't have jalapenos because the woman there looks at you funny if you say 'halapenos'. You have to say 'jalapenos' to avoid confusion and he wouldn't like doing that.

Seemed pleased with his food although he was very annoyed that they squashed it.
He said squashing should be an option they offer you like they do with extra cheese and toasting the bread.

"They should not be squashing my sandwich unless I specifically request a squashed sandwich," he said.

*Talking of £20 notes. One day, a few years ago, I only had a £20 note on me when I was buying lunch from Greggs. Dom jokingly dared me to say to a member of staff: "Ever seen one of these before" before paying.

I did.

She didn't get it, or like it. It still haunts me a little bit.

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