Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Painful soup and a banging muffin

I think I've finally broken Dom.
I'm off work today so I would have had difficulty in producing my blog.

However, to my surprise I received a text from Dom at 13.08pm GMT that read:
"To save us both an embarrassing episode, tomatao soup and a roll. I also ate one of those muffins Emma left here. Lovely stuff, it was absoloutely banging. And you can quote me on that."

I was pleased with this text but obviously I couldn't have relied on Dom to have given in so easy. I thought it was safer to monitor him.

My sources tell me that the muffin was of the white choclate and strawberry jam variery. Dom described it as "Manly, like what Rambo eats."

Apparently he described his main meal as 'top secret soup'.
It cost £2.20 from the forum and it came with a baguette.
He had to pause for a minute because the heat was causing him "incredible pain".

It seems he has also been offering some sage-like advice for fellow consumers. When Sam was ready to tuck into her Tuna Mayo Jacket potato, Dom kindly told her "There's too much onion. You're going to honk."

Rants today included a "real bugbear" for people who park selfishly in Asda in a bid to be close to the shop.
"If I had my way, their name would be called over the tannoy calling them to the car park," Dom said.
"They would be publicly executed there and then," he added.

In other food news Dom referred to bagels as "gaygels" because they look like something I don't want to describe in my family friendly blog.

I'm glad I decided to follow Dom's food habits rather than anyone else in the office for two reasons. They are..
A) The funniest part is because everyone knows how annoyed he is gettingB
B) He wouldn't have been very good at taking note of what the others eat when I'm not in the office.

He's not the most observant.

He once bought a pair of shoes that didn't match and wore them for days.
Eventually a member of the public pointed out his error while Dom was covering a story.
To those of you thinking this is an easy mistake to make, I say... Look at the soles!!!

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