Monday, January 25, 2010

Week two begins...

I have to say I was genuinely taken back to see a percentage increase in Facebook fans of almost 44% over the weekend*
I was working a Sunday shift at the time and even being told off by the Welsh bass-baritone opera and concert singer Bryn Terfel for daring to contact him on a Sunday didn't spoil the pleasant surprise.
Dom said Bryn deserved to have a go at me.

"You leave Bryn alone. He's earned the right not to be bothered on a Sunday. You're scum. Utter scum. Scum," he said.

The Facebook fan count actually jumped from 32 to 46 but I think 44% sounds better.
That's what I would say if I was trying to get funding for a Dom's Food Diary book from the Dragons.
Dom likes Dragons' Den.

He likes coming up with ideas for the show.
One of my favourites was an ice scraper for your car that you could heat up through the cigarette lighter.
He came up with the idea years ago and I saw one of these on sale this Christmas time so I text a picture of it to Dom.

"I told you it was gold," he said.

I didn't tell him it was on sale in Matalan for a fiver.

I'd secretly like it if one of Dom's ideas did work out but then again I don't think it would do him any good.
He reguarly tells me that being rich would definitely change him.
"I would become a horrible, horrible human being," he says.

It's hard to know this for definite. All I do know is that he would definitley spend most of his time and money on trying to form a Smiths tribute band using only monkeys and maybe that cute thing that likes being tickled** on the bass.

I wasn't in the office when Dom had his food today and he thinks that I don't know what he had to eat - I do.

He had a Chicken Pasta Pot, Walkers Salt and Vinegar crisps and a Tropicana pomegranate, apple and grape juice.
I also know that he had it on the meal deal in Tesco but complained that it never works properly - this time the pasta hadn't gone through properly.

I won't tell him how I found out.
I'll just sit back and watch the paranoia consume him.

Dom gets funny about the way people eat food.
He just caught Sam biting the chcolate off a Milky Way before eating the inside.

"What are you eating there?" he said.
"A Milky Way," Sam said.
"Sort yourself out!" Dom replied.

*Ian Caleb (aka Rainman) figures
**slow loris? See

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