Friday, January 29, 2010

What does crispy seaweed, wild turkeys and John Candy have in common?

Answer: They are all subjects that Dom has been wrong about*.

Went to Wetherspoons today. Dom had a BBQ panini and a bottle of Crabbies. (Took ages with the drink.) Also had several biscuits this morning and a Fox sweet this afternoon. He was 'gutted' he randomly chose an orange one.

Had a massive, heated argument about whether turkeys could fly.
It's sorted now and I don't really want to dig up old graves, you know, let sleeping dogs lie and that but I feel I should summarise it for the blog.

1)It started because I saw a dead turkey the other day that had been shot. It was flying with pheasants at the time. I told Dom that you're not meant to hit the turkeys and if you do you get a £50 fine.
2)Dom didn't believe me that turkeys could fly.
3)He was told that maybe they learn to fly because they spend time with pheasants.
4)This angered Dom.
5) I told him about a dog I used to know that lived with cats. She pawed like a cat.
6)This angered Dom further. He asked me if I could learn to fly if I spent time with pheasants or learn to hold my breath underwater if I spent time with fish.
7)I explained that it is too late for me now because I've been brought up to know I can't fly. I suggested that the turkey doesn't know different if it is raised with pheasants. I also added that I'd have a better chance with the birds rather than the fish because holding your breath underwater is impossible.
8) This infuriated Dom.
9) I used the argument that aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that, so it goes on flying anyway.
10) Dom told me to shut up.

Also noticed Wetherspoons are doing a Valentine's Day Special.
Two steaks and a bottle of wine for only £15.

Dom suggested we should go just to see all the depressed and angry women.
Personally, I couldn't think of a better way to spend the day.

Thanks for using the Facebook site to leave your food related stories about Dom.
I've enjoyed reading them but I worry the fame might be getting to Dom.
Earlier today he noticed that in the last three posts he had been referred to as a 'genius' twice.

"This isn't good for me at all," he said.
"The last thing you want to do is stroke my ego."

Moments later reality hit home - hard.

"Saying that, I've been described a genius for adding soup to pasta and for eating with a fork," a deflated Dom added.

Keep inviting friends over the weekend and please keep adding your thoughts and food stories on the Facebook fan page.
Dom's Food Diary will commence Monday.

*If you're interested he thought Crispy Seaweed was actual seaweed and was convinced John Candy died while filming Cool Runnings. It was actually Wagons East.

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