Monday, February 01, 2010

Unintentional seafood and some womb bacon

Accidentally bumped into Dom as I was leaving to get my lunch today.
Little awkward.

"Don't ruin my dinner any more than you already are," he said as we walked down the street together.

I took out some unnecessary money out at the first cash machine we passed to put an end to the uncomfortable situation.

When I got back Dom was eating his 'disappointing' lunch.

Greggs was packed so he opted for Tesco. Said he bought an 'unintentional' seafood themed meal deal.
This consisted of a salmon sandwich, prawn cocktail crisps and a drink.

It was a pretty ordinary lunch conversation until Dom produced a banana from his work bag. He said he brought it in from home.

I was surprised he was eating fruit and this offended Dom.
We debated it for a while until Dom produced a sentence which I think would win any argument.

It went: "Jame, you could walk into my house right now and you would find a papaya in my kitchen'.

Feel free to use that one yourselves.

During the healthy eating debate Dom also used an example of how he had to use Google to learn how to cut a mango.
When I started typing this in Google, the search engine presumed I was searching for a number of other things. One of them was 'How to cut a kitten's umbilical cord'.

Dom said he saw kittens being born once and he didn't remember them having umbilical cords. It seems his strongest memory of the incident was seeing something that came out after the kittens that looked like 'gammon'. The mother cat ate this.

We assumed it was the placenta, Dom said his friend referred to it as 'womb bacon'.

1 comment:

  1. It just gets better and better! When is Gordon going to devote a page to it? Pisses over Jeff Bigot any day of the week!
