Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pasty nutrition

I got called out of the office today moments before Dom left for food.
I had to resort to e-mailing the other members of staff to find out what Dom had to eat.

When I first thought about everyone responding with what Dom had to eat from their respective vantage points I thought it would be unique and interesting, you know like that movie... Spaceballs.
But instead it was eventless and boring, like that movie Vantage Point.

"Don't know," Ian replied. "He got it late."

"A pasty," Sam said.
"No idea what was in it though.
"He almost dropped it at one point - Kel said she saw the horror in his eyes."

Kelly replied with: "Well it looked like he almost dropped it but he denied it and said he just needs to bend right over it cos it gets messy."

Dom's always had a thing for Gregg's pasties. More so when he returned from Newcastle. He particularly liked the sausage and bean melt.
He said they contained the four major food groups.


Dom also revealed that he had a disappointing Burger King on the weekend.
Said it was the first time it had happened to him.

He said the burger was 'alright fundamentally' but it had too much onion and a 3" layer of cheese.

"I ended up having a bit of meat, some crunchy onion and a lot of dry cheese," he said.
"I had to give up and I've never done that before.
"The moral of that story is... don't have one of those," he added.

Dom said that he heard something exciting yesterday and he couldn't wait until today so he could tell me. Apologies in advance to the person concerned but this is way too good to leave out of the blog.

Turns out our friend Rob discovered that candle wax had melted into his pants draw.
He was shocked to discover that five pairs of his pants had 'fused' together.
In typical Rob fashion the first solution that came to mind was to put them, and this is honestly the truth, in a frying pan.
He managed to save four pairs but one caught fire in his kitchen.

He broke the news with a status update that read 'Rob just set fire to his kegs!'

While describing the incident in a comment he wrote: "Bizarrre as it sounds....discovering that wax from a candle had dripped into my smalls draw and deciding the solution to the resulting 5 pair boxer fusion was to put them in a frying pan over the cooker to melt the wax away. 4 survived but alas one combusted, leaving me with a somewhat embarassed smoke-engulfed face!"

I think I've found the guest cameo for this blog when Dom takes a week off.

*Courtesy of Rhys Griffiths

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