Friday, February 05, 2010

Uh oh...

Ok, it seems my blog has back-fired.
I thought Dom would have cracked by now.

However, it seems to be getting to me more.

I'm sat at home on Friday night and I find myself having an amazing urge to write down what Dom had to eat today.

Maybe it's because a Smiths song came on.
Maybe it's because I've had two drinks.
Maybe it's because I was too busy working* today to write a blog entry.

Either way writing about Dom after a few drinks while listening to the Smiths is definitely an emotional experience.

Take it from me.

He had a turkey and ham subway and then had a bottle of a weird beer in the pub.
He said he ordered it because he could pronounce the name.
Said he fancied a few others but was afraid to try and order them.

I said the staff probably wouldn't know the difference.

He said he'd thought of that but then decided they may have been on courses so didn't.

Discussed forming a quiz team to take on the Egg Heads today.
Dom sort of liked the idea.

"I'd love to have a go at a game show," he said.
"The only problem is that they're on tele," he added.

Entered the EuroMillions this week.

We all had different ideas on how we'd spend the money.

Starting a business and travelling were some examples, Dom thought differently.
He said the first thing he would do is buy a huge house with a moat around it.

In a way I hope we don't win it.

A moat would probably put an end to this blog and by the looks of things I don't think I would deal with that very well.

*Getting my hair cut

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