Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Some fur for the purchase"

Dom had a chicken club baguette from Gregg's today.
Also had a pint of Guinness in the pub a bit later.
Said he only opted for Guinness because he had already eaten.
Said he would have asked for a different drink if he was eating because Guinness is 'like a meal in itself'.

Yesterday we discussed Gordon Brown swapping his Kit-Kats for bananas and E4 deciding to stop airing episodes of friends.
Dom's respective thoughts on these subjects were...

1) "Kit-Kats win because you can't dunk a banana in your tea - well you could - but I wouldn't.

2) "How are they going to fill 12 hours of TV a day?"

Dom said the Summer of Bueno shouldn't have been described as a childhood memory in yesterday's blog.
Said he was 18 or 19.
We agreed kidulthood would have been more appropriate.

Dom told us some more stories from his childhood/kidulthood today.

They were:

Purposely doing bad on an eye test because he wanted glasses.
Choosing a green pair of glasses for his first pair that came with attachable sun visors.
Having a ridiculous amount of haircuts that included a mohawk, a blue bob and Kurt Cobain style bleached long hair.
Also said he had a stud in 'whichever ear wasn't the gay one'.

On the subject of glasses Dom revealed his one eye is -3.75. He reckons that if you get to -6 you get a blue badge for your car.

"That's what I'm aiming for," he said with his fingers crosses.

Also came up with a solution for drivers who are short sighted - prescription windscreens and mirrors.

I don't think this will catch on.

He also told everyone about the day me and Dom spent trying to get a pet wasp.
We caught one, put it in the fridge, waited for it to fall into a 'coma' then attempted to tie string around it.
We repeated this process several times without any success.

Dom has come up with a reason for this.

"We should have used a bee," he said.
"The wasp was too slender, he was too sleek.
"We needed some fur for the purchase."

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