Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monks, monkeys and Jedward

Dom had a pot noodle today.
Said he was sick of only having the same old places to get his food from.

While he waited for it to cool we discussed the annoying things in life.
It started because Dom got held up at the self serve queue in Tesco by someone who decided to start a conversation with a friend at one of the machines after he had finished using it.
This led to us talking about drivers who stay in the over-taking lane when there's no over-taking to be done, people who take ages moving their car from the petrol station when you're stuck behind them and people who think it's fine to use more than one card at a cash point.
During our conversation I threw an empty bottle of coke in to a bin that was about four foot away.

I continued talking while struggling not to look chuffed.
Think I did ok.

Dom talked about living with monks earlier.
He said he would love it because his favourite things are working and praying - he was being sarcastic.
Said he would happily live with monk-eys because he could 'sit around all day eating bananas' while being 'groomed by monkeys'.

"It would be a dream come true," he said.

Dom stupidly got involved in an argument with three girls today who were all defending Jedward.

"You are allowed to think whatever you think," he said.
"But it is my job to advise you that you are wrong."

When asked why he couldn't just forget about it because while he doesn't like Jedward some people do, he replied: "No, because they exist and I'm aware that they exist.
"Sometimes I think about them and sometimes I have to see their faces."

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