Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Inside Information

Exciting thing happened to me today.

I went to Subway at around 12.15pm. I ordered my food and took a seat.
I heard the door open and by amazing coincidence it was Dom.
I was sat with my back to him and he didn't see me.

He'd obviously waited for me to leave the office before getting his food - again.

His plan back-fired this time as I managed to take down his entire order - secret agent style.

He asked for a Turkey and Ham sub on Italian Herbs and Cheese bread.
He then controversially added that he wanted it toasted and with cheese without waiting to be asked*.
I was inspired by this as I always ask for the sub and the bread and then answer the mundane cheese, extra cheese, toasted questionnaire like an idiot.

Feel free to use Dom's technique yourselves - I know I will.

When his sub had finished toasting he requested some green peppers and pickles at the salad part.
He paused before adding olives to his order.

He asked for some deli mustard in the final stage of the sandwich making process before leaving for the office where he ate his sub before I got back.

Don't think I missed much.

Turkey and Ham is the 'Sub of the Day' on a Wednesday.
My Food Monitors tell me that while Dom ate his he recited five of the seven 'Subs of the Day' off by heart.

"Sometimes I amaze myself," he said.

He also had a 'mustard incident' but I'm ashamed to admit I haven't been able to follow this up.

A quick question

Ever written on the sole of your slipper with a biro?

Dom has. He loves it. He says the only thing that tops it is writing with a biro on the skin of a banana.

"It's one of life's great pleasures," he said.

He's right too - I strongly recommend that you do if you haven't already.

Let me know how you get on.

*Apparently this didn't happen. Dom liked the idea but insisted he didn't say it.

"Accuracy," he said.
"I could stick with this and it would make myself look quite good.
"But it didn't happen, it's wrong and that's the main thing."

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