Friday, February 12, 2010

Soul features and a chip roll

Dom's very tired today.
Said he's had a 'ridiculous amount of late nights' that have left him feeling 'concussed'.

Hoping to win the Euromillions with our syndicate tonight.
Being as optimistic as ever Dom said: "We're never going to win and the sooner you realise that the better."

Kelly said he won't get any winnings if he keeps up that attitude.

"You can't do that to me," Dom said.
"Imagine my sad little face.
"You'd be sat in the warm drinking with your top hats and my sad little urchin face would be in the window."

While Kelly was talking about the numbers that have the least chance of coming up in the draw a logical Dom said: "My soul just did this" and put his face in his hands.
Kelly said that souls don't have a face or hands.
Dom said: "They do because mine just did this." And put his face in his hands again.

Kelly gave up.

Dom had some curry over a chip roll. Smelt nice.
Got some curry on his sleeve though and said: "Could this day get any worse?!?"

At first this seems a bit like an over reaction but seconds before he had been talking about going bald and I think it all got on top of him.

The thought of going bald petrifies Dom.

"If I go bald, that's it," he said at the time.
"I mean it, that will literally be it.
"I'll quit my job and go and live in a hovel."

I don't know what he's worried about.

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