Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Praise for Dom's Food Diary - Part two

It's that time again...

"I am actually following this. I have even less of a life than I thought." HG

"I f**king love Dom's Food Diary. There, I said it." MN

"It just gets better and better!" RT

"Errors all over the shop you clown." DJ

"Genius. When can we expect to see a spin-off book containing the collected wit and wisdom of Dom Jones? I reckon it could be a winner this Christmas...

...I'm sure it'll become South Wales' answer to Chairman Mao's little red book, just with a bit less communism and slightly more sandwich-related pronouncements." RG

"Loved the tip about eating the overflow tuna with a fork! Genius." HC

"I hope this blog continues until Dom is either eating through a tube or is dead. It just means that much to me." TN

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