Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Subway offers. Good or bad?

Subway had a deal on today.
You got a free sub if you bought a medium drink. It was genuinely described 'Sub-Tacular'.

Dom went over at one. Seemed pleased with the deal but these offers seem to create problems.
The store was packed and Dom got stuck next to a customer who moaned throughout the entire sandwich making process.
Apparently when she got to the end she said: "I'm not coming here again - it's too complicated."

Dom said: "Presumably because they asked her what bread she wanted and whether she wanted salad or not."

Seemed to enjoy his sub but they squashed it again.
We discussed a way of politely asking them not to squash the sandwich but we couldn't agree on a way where you don't end up looking rude or like an arse.

I think my sugestion of just dropping it in while you pick your salad was the best.

Eg: "Can I get some jalapenos, some olive, some BBQ sauce and please don't squash it."

Ok, it's not the best but Dom's idea involved shouting:
"Wait a minute! What did you just do to my sub? Start again!"

Interesting note: Me and Dom just discovered that when we were young our nans knitted us a Postman Pat and a Jess character respectively. We agreed that we should have been friends.

Yesterday we discussed ways of improving the veiwing figures for the live episode of Eastenders.
Dom definitely won when he said the producers should unscrew a chair leg.
The actors would not know which chair was dodgy but whoever fell off it would have to pretend that nothing had happened and carry on with their script.

We both agreed this would be the best way of getting more people to watch.

Also discussed getting a barge for the weekend.

I wanted to go to Pontcysyllte to have a go at this:

"I'm not going all the way to Wrexham to be terrified," Dom said.
"I can do that at home."

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