Friday, February 26, 2010

Dom's small part

Dom had some chips and gravy at 12.05pm today.
"I'm going to get chips," he said.
"In fact, I'm going to get them now because it's five past dinner."

We also went to the pub where Dom ordered a bottle of Koppaberg.
I had a bottle of Tucher. It came in a big glass that made me feel a bit like the king. I took so long with it that Dom had another bottle of Koppaberg.

During our drinks we found out that Ian has been asked to send a picture of himself to his old school. They want him to write a few words about what he has acheived since leaving school to go with it to inspire current sixth form students.

This all sounds fine until you realise that Dom went to the same school.

When Dom heard the news he slammed his hand down on the table and made two of us jump.
He threatened to have a few more drinks before driving to the school to give them a piece of his mind.

He hasn't - yet.

I personally think Ian was always a little better in school - particularly in the school plays.
Just the other day we spent ages giggling at the fact that Ian had a big part in Oliver while Dom only managed to get a small part in Annie.

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