Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Not so happy hippos...

Dom bought us all Happy Hippos today.

They're a biscuit shaped like a hippo made by the same people who make Kinder eggs.
They led Dom to tell us a happy and a sad story from his childhood.

One was about the time he had the game Hungry Hippos taken off him for being too loud.
The other was about the summer he spent 'solely eating Buenos'.

Me and Dom both started our Happy Hippos from the face end.

I think I just happened to open mine that way, Dom said he did this because, and I quote: "...that way, it doesn't have to see me eat his arse."

Missed Dom eating his actual dinner so I got a Food Monitor on the case.

He had chilli and rice with cheese from a place next door. (It's not actually next door but everyone says that for some reason.)
Kelly had to persuade him to have the cheese.
He only took her advice seriously when he found out that she wasn't the type of person who eats chips, gravy and cheese together.
He said it wasn't very hot, but it did make his nose run - Gave it a 6.3 out of 10.

Freaked Dom out earlier.
He said that he remembered he wanted to buy something today but forgot what it was.
I was right when I asked if it was mouthwash - I noticed he was running low when I popped into his house on Sunday.
Dom called me weird - I thought I was being helpful.

Dom was a having a phone conversation with the girls from the council earlier when I heard him say: "Shut up! I'd rather you have a go at my mother."
I instantly knew Morrissey was involved.
Dom told them that women don't like Morrissey because they are 'soulless husks'.

Earlier today we had an office conversation about Vernon Kay and Tess Daly.
Dom isn't a fan of either of them.

During a rant, in which Dom said Vernon had a 'stupid medieval haircut' that 'looked like something from the Bayeux tapestry', he said: "The fact that either of those two are famous is everything that is wrong with this world.
"They should be working in Gregg's or McDonald's.
"He should be serving me a burger - not ruining Family Fortunes."

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