Thursday, February 04, 2010

"Better to be safe than sorry"

Dom's more anti-blog today than usual.

I've concluded that this is for two reasons.

1) I was out of the office this morning and he found my 'Dom's Food Diary' notebook with all my written notes which he described as 'weird'.
2) He didn't like yesterday's banana pie chart.

He said it made it look like he was only eating bananas for the benefit of people who read the blog.

I said that I'd clarified that wasn't the case in yesterday's blog with the 'brown and squishy' bit.

Dom didn't think this was enough.

"That's what I would have said if I was someone who was only eating bananas for the benefit of people who read the blog and I didn't want to make it look like I was only eating bananas for the benefit of people who read the blog," he said.

Confused? So was I.

Went to Wetherspoon's today and Dom opted for a beef gourmet burger for the first time since we read the Wetherspoon's nutritional guide a few weeks ago.
We found out that they contain near enough your recommended daily allowance for everything and this scared us all for a bit.

However, Dom wasn't going to put off by little things like science and that today.

"Bugger it," he said.
"Calorie counting is for women and poofs!"

This attitude continued through dinner where he made fun of me drinking a gin and for watching programmes such as America's Next Top Model and Fat Families.

"Drink a pint and stop watching rubbish tele," he said.

I told Dom about a man on Fat Families who ate a breakfast with his kids, took them to school and picked up a McDonald's breakfast for himself on the way back.
He then ate around 15 bags of crisps throughout the day before enjoying a huge Indian takeaway in the night.
When he put his kids to bed he drove to the garage to buy a family bag of crisps and a bottle of Lucozade.

Dom didn't care much for this man.

"It winds me up," he said.
"I could happily eat like that all day but I don't because I would be huge."
"I lost all sympathy for people like that when Rick Waller was a bitch on Celebrity Fit Club."

Please note - since publishing this blog I found out that Dom didn't call Rick Waller a bitch. It was Ian. And he actually referred to him as a whiney bitch.
Dom asked me to ammend this.
"I don't want to be thought of as someone who would call a man a bitch," he said.

Before Dom's food arrived he paid a visit to the condiments section. He returned with about 20 sachets including salt for everyone, vinegar and sauce.

"It's better to be safe than sorry," he said.

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