Wednesday, February 03, 2010

"Just a humble genius"

Dom didn't have dinner today - he's only had a banana.

I was worried this might be as a result of the blog but he says it isn't.
He also insists his increase in banana eating has nothing to do with Dom's Food Diary™.
He didn't deny there was a direct link between the start of the blog and his 9 til 5 banana intake* but he says there is another reason for this.

Apparently he bought a big bag and wants to finish them before they go 'brown and squsihy'.

Another thing Dom has started doing more since the blog is tripping over things in the office.
He's done it twice in two weeks.

"I'm like Barry Chuckle," he said after the last incident.

Dom often expresses his sympathy for the man whose wife left him for Barry Chuckle.
To be fair you can't think of many things worse.

Persuaded Dom to watch some of ITV's 'Take Me Out' on the weekend.
He didn't know what to make of it. Overall I think it was a no likey.

"There were bits when I was laughing with the programme and there were bits where I was laughing at it," he said.
"There were also bits that offended me to my very core," he added.

After yesterday's blog was posted Dom took credit for the porridge Haiku and claimed to have made it up on the spot.
He followed this up by claiming to often speak in the form of a Haiku to keep himself mentally stimulated.

"I can't help it," he said.
"I'm just a humble genius."


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