Friday, February 19, 2010

Supernatural biscuit experience

We went to the Belle Vue for food today.
The Belle Vue is where I first started Dom's Food Diary.

It's more expensive than Wetherspoons so we only go there when we've been paid.
This means that we've technically had a month of Dom's Food Diary.

Today Dom had the Chicken Jalfrezi with half rice and half chips.

Seemed to enjoy it but it was clearly too much for him.

Dom told us a few supernatural stories while we ate. He's been getting into that sort of thing a lot recently. Today's was how he was reading a book and had a massive panic that Jesus might exist. Said it made him 'considerably more scared' than he had been in a long time.

He's fine about this now.

I blame his recent interest in the supernatural on those bloody 'mystery' biscuits I referred to a few blogs back.
Remember the ones he ate a whole pack of and then couldn't find to bring into the office?
Well he still hasn't found them and it's starting to become an issue.

"I must have had a supernatural biscuit experience," he said this morning.
"It's like when someone stays in a haunted house and hears noises all night and then when they wake up they see a cleaner and ask what the noise was.
"The cleaner tells them soemone was killed there 20 years ago.
"Later on when they tell someone else what the cleaner said they say 'there is no cleaner here'.
"This is the exact equivalent of that," Dom said.
"Only with biscuits," he added.

How do you feel about Hershey's chocolate?
Dom really isn't a fan.
"I was all excited about trying some because, you know, they're in films and that," he said.
"When I had some it was just like eating Cadbury's.
"Cadbury's that has been left in a drawer for eight months."

Thought I'd tell Dom an interesting fact the other day.
I found out that Joseph Fritzel locked his daughter in the basement two days before Dom was born.
I thought this put the whole thing in perspective - Dom misunderstood my intentions.

"What are you implying?" he said.

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