Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Belated Valentine's Day

As I write this I am wearing a red birthday or Christmas style hat but I am in no mood for celebration.
To explain this I will have to take you back to yesterday afternoon when Dom decided to lampoon me.
Dom spotted me going to the office toilet and decided to wait outside the toilet door. When I left he jumped out on me and made a scary noise.

It worked well but eyebrows were raised when we returned from the toilet corridor into the office together.
Particularly because Dom was sniggering and I was still a bit scared.

I thought the best way to put an end to any rumours that may have arisen after this episode was to buy Dom a Valentine's cracker.
I didn't know these existed until I saw them in Ethel Austin for £2.

When I got back to the office Dom had just finished his food from Subway.
He agreed to pull the cracker. It broke on his side and he won a red birthday or Christmas style hat, a teddy with a heart and what was described on the box as a 'motto'.

It was actually a bit of paper that read: "Q: What do squirrels give for Valentine's Day? A:Forget me nuts"

This amused Dom for about eight to 11 seconds.

The joy was short lived as Dom left for a a pub visit - an unusual occurrence on a Wednesday.
I couldn't go because I have an appointment this afternoon.

So I'm left in the office with nothing but a cheap teddy, a broken cracker, a rubbish joke and a red birthday or Christmas style hat.

So this is what it feels like when doves cry....

Picture:Bob Prosser ©

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