Tuesday, February 02, 2010

So, the tables have turned...

Dom announced his intentions of eating a McDonald's quite early today.
Said it was fine because he had a banana yesterday.
Dave offered him vouchers if he could wait until tomorrow but Dom declined.
He had a Big Tasty burger and a Coke.

Also had a praline-based sweet from a Thorton's selection box.

I've decided it isn't fair to write a blog about Dom's eating habits if I don't poke fun at myself now and then.
Today I was told to call a Gill O'Warren to get a number for her son.
When a lady answered I said: "Is that Mrs O'Warren?"
She said: "What?"
I said: "Is that Gill?"
She said yes.

I get the number for her son's shop, he doesn't answer so I phone back to speak to her.
"Hi Mrs O'Warren, it's Jamie," I say.
I ask for a mobile number and she says: "Wait, I'll ask my husband.... (shouts upstairs) Warren!!!"

This amused me. I come off the phone and tell Dom that there must be this guy called Warren O'Warren.

Dom said: "Are you sure you wasn't told to call Gill or Warren?"

Turns out I was.

This morning we talked about creating a super hero who had the power of smell.
Whiff Man and Smell Boy was the working title. Dom said at least one of them should be blind.

We also discussed porridge.
Dom isn't a fan - at all.

He said:

"I don't like porridge.
"No one does, it's horrible.
"And it smells funny."

Still don't think he's realised that he wrote an accidental Haiku about porridge.
This blog gets more and more beautiful every day.

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