Monday, February 15, 2010

An educated guess

Dom's off work today.

It's the first time he's been off since the blog started so this presented its share of problems.
We discussed some ways of keeping the blog going. Choosing a random colleague to star in a 'blog cameo' was one idea. I might save that for Dom's week off.

I decided to take a look back through the blog and take an educated guess as to what Dom would have had if he was in. (See pie charts for full results below.)
According to my statistics he would have opted for Tesco or Subway.
Subway wins if you take evry day into account, Tesco wins if you just count his Monday food choices.

Food choices since blog started

Food choices on Mondays

I think it is fair to assume Tesco would have won. If you're interested it would have been a toss up between a chicken and pasta pot and an unitentionally themed seafood lunch.

The reason Dom is off work is because he worked a Sunday shift last night.
I know he spent some time looking at pictures of this.

Dom wasn't fussed.

"God that's weird," he said.
"For some reason I find it slightly sinister.
"I can barely relax knowing it's out there in the world somewhere, never mind in my house.
"It's just so....big.
"It is sort of cute but it looks like it could overpower me in a fight if push came to shove."

Dom changed his mind after seeing this picture.

"I would quite like to wrestle with him," he said.
"I quite like his face in one photo.
"I could definitely befriend that guy."

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