Thursday, April 29, 2010

A ghetto lunch

Wetherspoon's have a new menu!
That's literally all the news I have today.

Dom had a chorizo/pasta dish that looked really nice. Cost him £6 though which he wasn't too pleased about.

I tried to talk him out of paying that much for a meal because I knew he's be in a mood if it was rubbish.
I suggested he should wait until after pay day.

"It's not the money Jame," he said.
"I'm a high roller."

Spent most of the lunch trying to swat a fly.
Kelly told him to do it slowly, my advice was to aim to hit where it's about to fly, Ian said he wouldn't have tried hitting it.

"What else am I supposed to do when it's getting all up in my grill?" Dom asked.

Just heard Dom talking about someone who has written a 10 minute song about Jesus. Said he's paid £26,000 for an orchestra to record the song.

When I asked who it was Dom said...

"Lee Ryan.
"You know, the cretin from Blue."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Filling fish and chips

Dom had chips today after reading an advert in the paper.
Had some fish with them too.

Really enjoyed his food but he was really full. Even left some chips.

Told me I could eat them if I wanted like a big boy.

He's been saying that a lot today. For example he told me to go and get a key cut like a good boy.

Says he'll keep doing it for ages. Probably will.

I started saying 'like a good boy' after everything I announced to get in before him but he says he prefers that.

I can't wain.

Wednesdays have been weird for two weeks.
Last week I had the sexy kettle dance, the week before I had the near knife attack.

This morning Dom just asked me who my favourite turtle was.

"Raphael," I said.

"Good man," Dom said.

He then went on to say Leonardo was a bit of a goody two shoes, and that he didn't like Donatello.
To be fair he soon added that at least Donatello was the only turtle to use his weapon as a weapon.
Said the others would always use thei swords to cut a rope so something would fall on BeeBop and/or Rocksteady.
Seems Michaelangelo is his least favourite.

"He was borderline retarded," Dom said.
"It would always be his fault when things went wrong.
"The episodes would end with him messing up their pizzas - he'd order some ridiculous topping like chocolate and condoms or something.
"All the turtles would laugh - I would have been tamping."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

An unwanted pasty

Dom hates town.
When he came back with his food today he simply said: "Don't ask"
He said that he hated town and that it made him buy a pasty he didn't want.

Didn't complain while eating it though.

Dom had his hair cut yesterday and I'm still struggling to get used to it.
It makes me feel like getting my hair cut.

Dom told me I would be getting it done prematurely but then said that today it looks like the haircut of all the cast of F.R.I.E.N.D.S combined.

I'll sort it out tomorrow.

Dom likes drawing comparisons with people and he's usually quite good at it.

Yesterday we were reading a story about this mother and her son.

Dom said there was no way the boy was a one-year-old.

"It's the guy from This is England," he said.
"Look here he is with his jacket on," he added showing me this pic...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bonus tomato

Dom had a chicken pesto and sun dried tomato baguette from Gergg's today.
I know this because after he apparently finished he shouted.
"Oh yeah!"
"Thought I finished and I just found bonus chicken and tomato."

I have a bruise on my back. Dom just threatened to hurt it.
Dom and I went out on Saturday with our friend Rob for a walk along the canal.
It was like a weird version of Stand by Me and it has since been described as the Last of the Summer Wine - for gays.

Well it was fun.

Dom posed for a picture with a cow (or bull as he claims), he vaulted a fence and did a forward roll.

My favourite bit was when some 'local' in a tiny village pub assumed we were in a band because as Dom put it 'we had haircuts'.

Anyway Rob bruised by back and Dom just said 'I'm going to come over there and knee you in your bruise' because I got 'Love in an Elevator' stuck in his head.

I said that was rich coming from him after all the songs he has got stuck in my head over the years.

They include the song that never ends from the end of Lambchops Play-a-long and the classic early 90s advert for the Horse magazine that went.. "Ilove horses, best of all the animals. I love horses, they're my friend."

Even as I write this he is singing a twisted cover called 'Jesus Don't Want me for a Mung Bean'.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Renegade stops play

Apologies for the short blog today.

A local radio station competition caused the town to go mental.
They send a 'renegade to a town centre' if you find him and ask him 'Are you the Real Radio Fugitive'? then he gives you £3,000.
Everyone was asking everyone the question and people were running everywhere.

It was weird.

We all split up and lost each other in the fuss.
By the time I met up with Dom he had already eaten.

I did find out that he went for Fish and Chips for £3 from Wetherspoons. He said no to the free cup of tea

In a little quiz we had Ian managed to answer the question 'Where is the National Railway museum in the UK' straight away.

"What a gutting thing to know," Dom said.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

An awkward encounter after an all day breakfast

As I write this I'm recovering from an awkward encounter with Dom but I'll get to that later.

Tried a new place for food today.
It was the pub with the rubbish jukebox that we drank in on Friday.
They do main meals for only £2.99.
Dom had the all day breakfast which looked awesome.
I had a steak which was rubbish.
Dom told me that's what Is should expect when ordering £2.99 steak - at least four times.

Dom thoroughly enjoyed his breakfast which came with chips.
Said he couldn't remember the last time he had dipped a chip in an egg.

My favourite bit was...

We were all chatting away when we heard a muffled 'uh-oh' coming from Dom's side of the table.
We turned to see Dom with his head against the plate with a little bit of bacon hanging out of his mouth.
He clearly hadn't cut it properly - I hate it when that happens.

Dom just popped out for a slush puppy which leads me on to my awkward encounter...

He asked everyone if they wanted a slush puppy, when he asked me he stood inappropriately close to me (as he does sometimes).
However, this time I felt something from Dom's trouser area rubbing on my arm.
It left my arm feeling cold and weird even after he walked off.
Sort of like a horrible version of when you've had a Christmas cracker hat on all day and you're never quite sure if you're still wearing it or not.

When I told Dom we spent a while trying to work out what it was.
We eventually decided that it must have been something he had in his pocket. He even let me feel it through his trousers again to put my mind at rest.
I did and it did feel like the thing that was on my arm moments earlier - this made me feel better but come to think of it he still hasn't told me what that was.

It was like a blindfolded version of Offal Jim Jam - a game made popular by Ricky Gervais.


I don't know why the whole thing bothered me so much - I once had a much worse encounter.

I was in a different Wetherspoons years ago having lunch with people in my old office.
We'd ordered food and I sat around chatting with my back to the bar.
At one point as I was over gesturing I did a *weighing things up scale type move* and actually 'cupped' the waiter who had come to bring the food.

No joking, it lasted about 3 seconds, I felt everything and I actually made eye contact with him during.

Sometimes writing the blog feels like counselling.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A sexy dance and crisp worries...

Remember when Dom jumped on me with a kitchen knife?
Well I had a whole new experience this morning.

I think the 8 o'clock starts make him go funny.

I came into work, went to the kitchen and found Dom making tea and coffee for everyone.

He turned round holding the kettle and did what he called a 'little sexy dance'

He said because he was holding the kettle it provided 'just the right mix of danger and arousal'.

He was right.

Don't know if it was caused by the dancing but Dom was moaning about a bad back earlier.
He has done since he went on a trampoline in the summer of 2009.

"Trampolines... bad news," he often says.

He went to Gregg's today and ate a bloomer of some sort.

Also had a few of the World Cup flavoured crisps.

We tried guessing what they were, when i said Cheeseburger after tasting the Garlic bread Dom told me I had a tumour.
Might get that checked out...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spit Spot

Dom's back in work.
He celebrated by having a chicken tikka sandwich, a pack of crisps and a little muffin just now.

Remember when Dom made fun of me for eating girly food and watching girly TV?
There are a few references to these remarks scattered throughout the blog.

Well, I thought you all should know that he confessed to watching yet another girly film.

I already knew that he watched and enjoyed Mean Girls but today he confessed to watching the Devil Wears Prada.

In fairness he didn't enjoy it and Ian did trump him by admitting to owning the same film.

Dom had a bit of a strop earlier. He often threatens to Hulk out and smash through the wall.
Today was the closest it's ever got to happening and the tiniest spark caused it.

It literally only took Kelly to say 'Come on, snap snap' Instead of 'Come on then, chop,chop'.

He was making fun of her saying it wrong when Sam and Cath incorrectly informed him that it was a saying from Mary Poppins.

At this point Kelly was making tea in the other room so Dom shouted out that she was fine to say 'Snap Snap' because it was from Mary Poppins.

Dave heard this and pointed out that Mary Poppins actually says “Spit Spot”.

That was it..

Dom went mental...

"Sort yourselves out!" he shouted.

"I've gone and announced it now!"

"You've made a fool of me!"

(Throws chair)

"For the last time!"

He calmed down when we started talking about the volcano in Iceland.

Dom said they should solve the problem by throwing Tom Hanks in there.

I know now that this is a Jo Vs the Volcano reference - I haven't seen this film.

When I told Dom this he called me an 'uncouth fellow'.

Edior's note: I have been asked to point out that the strop was ironic

Friday, April 16, 2010

The many faces of Dominic Jones

The many faces of Dominic Jones

"I'm sat here, eating chips, wearing a short sleeved shirt - welcome to summer."

That was Dom at around 1pm.

Minutes later, after a short walk through a busy town centre he was heard saying: "Sometimes I wish either I was dead or everyone else was dead."

The chips mentioned above were what Dom chose for his lunch. He gave one to Kelly.

We then went for a pint in the Crown for a change. They have a beer garden there but we drank inside because it was surprisingly cold and Dom had a short sleeved shirt on.

They also had a juke box but it was rubbish.

Dom managed to find This Charming Man, Fool's Gold and Irish Blood, English Heart on there.

I had a look but decided to save my pound, everything else was either 50 cent or N Dubz.

So we sat and drank in silence and discussed theme tunes.

Dom's two favourite theme tune anecdotes are...

1) Justin Hawkins of Darkness fame wrote the jingle to Pop/American Idol before he was famous.

2) The guy who wrote the do do do do do bit for the McDonal'ds 'I'm Loving It' jingle committed suicide.

Apparently he jumped from the roof of Chicago’s Fairmont Hotel in 2008.

RIP Paul Tilley

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A false alarm sneeze

Dom just had a ‘false alarm’ sneeze.
He did a proper sneeze, paused and then looked like he was going sneeze but sort of sneezed with approximately 12 per cent the force of a normal sneeze.

“Oh, that was a false alarm sneeze,” he said.
A few seconds later he added: “I don’t feel quite right.”

He did a proper sneeze a couple of seconds later.

“That clearly came as quite a surprise,” he said when he left for the toilet to wash himself down.

Been to the pub today, Dom went for a beef gourmet burger which he enjoyed.
It was quite a nice lunch but he did have a go at me once because I kept suggesting film ideas.

He quite liked the one I’m going to submit to Pixar called Hippo-chondriac about a hippo who somehow ends up saving the day by conquering his fear of water.
Unfortunately, he equally hates my idea of Santa Jaws which tells the story of a shark who has to take on the role of Father Christmas with hilarious consequences. after accidentally biting up when his sledge crashes in the Pacific on Christmas Eve.

I said he should support my creativity because I would buy him things if I was rich, like a three-course meal with Morrissey.

Dom said he wouldn’t want that in case Morrissey was rude to him.

I said I’d make sure he wasn’t rude by threatening his loved ones before.

“He hasn’t got loved ones,” Dom said.
“That’s why he’s Morrissey.
“He’s a spinster in the body of a 50-year-old man.”

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Inspiring sausages

Dom had a pepperoni pizza from Domino's today.
Used the same voucher that he used last time I wrote about him eating a pizza from there.

Said he was still quite hungry after it.

I'm not surprised that one small pizza didn't fill him after hearing a story he told us this afternoon.

I was reading an interview with Ricky Gervais where he says that he decided to slim down after gorging on sausages.
He basically ate 11 in one go around Christmas time, he said he felt horrible having to lie down like a snake waiting to digest it all.

The whole sausage incident inspired him to lose weight.

Dom said he could relate to that.

He said a few weeks ago he bought one of the large £3 Asda pizzas that you order to your liking.
He ate the whole thing in one go.

"It was horrible," Dom recalled.
"The only thing I could do was lie down and wait for the pain to stop."

This story didn't surprise me at all.
Dom still hasn't got used to living by himself. He still shops like a child.
Just Saturday I turned up at his house at 6pm to find him drunk. He had been drinking Blind Russians by himself.

Dom had a go at me yesterday.
He was being Hitler with the office air conditioning system.
His Nazi-like antics left me freezing.

When I complained he said: "You have to listen to what the people want.
"It's called democracy and it is the reason I was twice voted as ruler of the free world.

"It's people like you who are to blame for Skynet going pear shaped."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

WM article

Jamie Robins has found the perfect cure for lunch break boredom – document everything his colleague is eating – then tell a growing number of followers about it on the web. Trouble is, the subject’s feeling a little stalked...

WHAT did you have for lunch yesterday? That’s an easy question, you could probably answer it.

What did you have to eat on Wednesday, February 3? That isn’t so easy.

Well it is for my friend and colleague Dom.

You see, since the middle of January, I have spent my lunch breaks writing about everything he eats while we are in work together.

I post the results on my first ever blog.

Now I appreciate this sounds weird, but I do have my reasons.

It all started one day when we were going to a pub for a more expensive lunch than usual because it was pay day.

Dom struggled to pre-order because he couldn’t remember what he had chosen to eat the last time we went to the same venue – please keep in mind that this was early in 2009.

He got annoyed with me when I couldn’t remember, so I thought that the best way to prevent this happening again would be to start making a note of everything he eats.

I kept the notes in my desk, but I was running out of paper and quite frankly, I’m ashamed of my handwriting, so it was suggested I should start a blog.

With a little help, I set up an account on Blogspot – and lo – Dom’s Food Diary was born.

I think it might help if I share one of the first blogs to give you a better idea of how this works.

“Friday, January 15: Dom doesn’t like the idea of my food diary. He says it’s “creepy”. I think it’s cute.

“There is talk of a pub lunch. Dom pre-ordered chicken tikka. He opted for half rice and half chips.

“At one point he dropped a chip and caught it with his legs. He seemed really pleased for himself and I was happy with this.

“I was proud of the integrity he displayed on the Deal or No Deal game.

“We got to the money round and he refused to deal for £5. He ended up winning 70p – “Death or Glory,” he said.”

As you can see, from the start the blog hasn’t just been about the food.

I like to include a little extra information about Dom for blog readers who don’t have the pleasure of knowing him.

I see the non-food related stories as the equivalent to a novelty figure in a pack of Kellogg’s cereal or a toy in a Happy Meal.

You didn’t ask for them, but you don’t complain when they show up. They make the whole experience that little bit more enjoyable.

I also like to make the blog enjoyable for its readers and believe it or not, it does have readers.

Within a few days of the blog going online there was call for a Facebook fan page.

The membership has grown slowly and the blog now gets an unbelievable average of 100 hits a day.

Word of mouth is the only advertisement it gets, so it does amuse me when new fans pop up who don’t know Dom or myself.

I will admit though, that I was initially worried the pressure of being an internet sensation would get to my mate Dom.

For a few days, he told me I was going to give him an eating disorder.

He couldn’t stop thinking that strangers would be reading about what he had chosen to eat as he was ordering food.

But he quickly stopped being so self-conscious and soon I was writing about his thoughts on everything from Subways to Special Brew.

If you’re interested, he doesn’t like the way the staff at Subway squash the subs.

He thinks squashing subs should be an option they offer you, like they do with extra cheese and toasting the bread.

On the other hand he is a fan of Special Brew.

“It’s sumptuous,” he said.

“It’s like a soup – a soup that makes you want to fight.”

Now the blog is becoming something of a way of life for me and for Dom, whether he likes it or not.

It is also becoming a daily feature in the lives of our friends, friends of friends and people we don’t even know.

It is read by people all over the UK and it even has a few fans from the USA – the food capital of the world.

One reader from Atlanta GA contributed to my monthly ‘Praise for Dom’s Food Diary’ section.

“I hope this blog continues until Dom is eating through a tube or is dead,” she wrote.

“It just means that much to me.”

It’s hard to say when the blog will finish, if it ever will.

Threats to the survival of the blog include either of us finding a new job and/or a restraining order being enforced.

Either way, I’m sure I’ll find a way around it.

Personally I’m hoping an entrepreneur snaps up the rights to produce Dom’s Food Diary – the book – in time for Christmas.

That way I could use the money to fulfil my dreams of making documentaries about Dom and his eating habits.

Watch this space.

Rude and intrusive

Dom and I both turned up for work with 'wacky hair' today.
I have no idea why - Dom told everyone he sent a memo out yesterday.

Dom soon forgot about his wacky hair when he was criticising others - today it started with Heidi Montag from the Hills.

"That's the thing with cosmetic surgery," he said.
"Women should bear in mind that the more you have the more you end up looking like a tranny.
"Katie Price is basically a transvestite.”

Dom had a steak and cheese subway today.
I missed him eating it because I was out but he told me.
I wish I could say he was helping me with the blog but he wasn't.
He was shouting at me because I was eating a 'fruity lunch'.
I had chicken and salad with a bit of cous cous.

This enraged Dom.

"I should start Jamie's Fruity Food Diary," he threatened.
He then proceeded to shout out the ingredients of his dinner.

"That's a manly lunch," he said.

I told him to stop going on about what I was eating because it was rude and intrusive.

WM article went in today. I'll post it in a blog for those of you who couldn't get a copy.

Dom's pretending it hasn't happened.

"I am going to go to my grave having not read what is in that," he said.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Just putting this out there...

Extra! Extra! Dom's Food Diary goes national.

Yep that's right.
This time tomorrow an 800 word article about Dom's Food Diary will be featured in WM - the Western Mail's weekly women's supplement.
I'll post the article on the blog after it's been printed for those of you who won't have access to a newsagent that sells the Western Mail.

I should point out that if you are a WM reader who is checking out the blog for the first time then you should take a look back at the old blogs on the right side of this page.

It will help to explain the sort of person Dom is and more importantly it will help me appear less mental.

Dom is aware of the article but he seems to be trying his best to ignore it.

He bought his food while I was out of the office today. I returned to see him finishing what looked like a chicken/salad baguette.
He also ate a chocolate brownie at around 10am which he enjoyed.

I'm hoping some rich entrepreneur with more money than sense happens to catch a glimpse of the article tomorrow.
Maybe they would snap up the rights to publish Dom's Food Diary in time for Christmas.

In could be the best selling diary in history - no competition immediately springs to mind.

I would use the money to follow Dom and his eating habits in a documentary.
I've started having this amazing idea of getting Dom to take part in a 'Super size Me' style film.
Instead of McDonald's he would live solely on Cheese and Ale.

I think the results would be funny, emotional and terrifying. All the makings of a good blockbuster.

Talking of films Dom found an interesting one today.

It's called the Human Centipede and follows three people who get drugged by a mad doctor.
According to wiki: "The doctor explains that he is a world renowned expert at separating conjoined twins, but dreams of creating new beings that share a single digestive system by joining separate individuals via their mouths and anuses"

If any new reader happens to be a mad doctor I would like to point out that after a brief discussion me and Dom decided that we definitely wouldn't want this to happen to us. It would definitely bring a new meaning the phrase ‘What I saw Dom Eat Today’.
If it did happen we would both prefer to be at the front.
Should the front not be available we definitely don't want to be in the middle.

Just so you know...

The poster for The Human Centipede just incase, like myself, you didn't believe it was true

Friday, April 09, 2010

Shirtless wrestle anyone?

Dom had another school dinner in the pub today.
Had three sausages, chips and beans. Also had a pint of ale from the ale festival selection.

He's just finished eating a cake Sam made at home.
I think he enjoyed his slice altough he spent most of his time trying to bully me into eating my slice in one go.
When I didn't he called me a 'coward' and a 'yellow belly'.

Dom spent most of yesterday afternoon telling me amazing facts.
My favourite was that the word bed written out looks like a bed and that the man who played Uncle Phil in the Fresh Prince also did the voice of Shredder from the Turtles.

Shredder from the Turtles

EDIT - Dom just waledk past and sang his blog song and typed this - yfdtfdxyfdyfdyut

Dom's in a really good mood today.
He wasn't first thing but then he realised we were finishing at 4pm - he'd convinced himself that we were leaving at 5.
I love it when that happens to me but Dom seems to enjoy it even more.

He got all excited and asked me if I wanted a wrestle.

"Come on have a wrestle," he said.

"I don't know," I said.

"Come on, let's have a shirtless wrestle," he persisted.

"Yeah you could oil up," Ian shouted.

"That's a bit gay," Dom said.

"Calm down."

Thursday, April 08, 2010

It's Dom's favourite time of year!

No not Easter, the clocks going forward or the start or summer...

The Wetherspoon Ale Festival is back!!!!

Dom absolutely loves the ale festival, he gets all excited reading about the ales in the little books they produce.
We went to the pub today and Dom ordered a gourmet burger. He had a pint of coconut ale with it and a pint of ale that had hawk in the title after.
He hasn't said much since so I'm guessing they did the trick.

That's the problem with lunch time drinking - you can go through all the stages of a good night out in just over an hour.
You can be sober, happy, chatty, angry, sleepy and have a hangover between 1 and 2 if you do it right.

Dom's somewhere between the sleepy/hangover stage at the moment - he had his angry moment in the pub when for some reason the way we pronounce things was brought up again.

It always starts off with snoooker vs snook-ah before moving on.
Today's included poor being pronounced poo-er or pour, ear being pronounced year or ee-ar and so on.

During lunch Dom spilled melted cheese on himself three times.

I was surprised Dom opted for a gourmet burger today as we had already talked about calorie counting which I know freaks him out at times.

It started because Dom showed us a new KFC burger where they've replaced the bread around the chicken with chicken.

The burger

He then said how shocked he was that Mars bars have 500 calories. Cath said that she wasn't surprised because she loves Snickers but won't eat them because they are even higher.

Dom tried to relate to this.

"I'm not a fan of Snickers either," he said.
"I don't like peanuts.
"They squeak in your mouth."

For some reason this caused an awkward silence.

Yesterday Dave found a survey a radio station was doing about the best ever intros.

Dom listed about 30 without being asked.

"Won't get fooled again" by The Who was one of them.

This led Dom to tell a story about our friend Chris who tried impersonating the Townsend slide while dancing to the song on a juke box one night.
He gave it his all but the floor wasn't very slippery. He ran flat out but the second his knees hit the floor he came to a grinding halt and fell on his face.
He went from about 30mph to 0mph in around 0.1 seconds.

"We could smell jeans all night," Dom recalled.

How the slide should look

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Big Shirley Valentine

I still can’t understand why Dom always comes across as the victim to people who read this blog.
It’s always how does Dom feel about you writing about what he eats?
No one ever spares a thought about what it’s like for me having to work with Dom.

He puts his finger in my ear when he walks past my desk, he once spent the day inputting letters to the bass line of She Bangs the Drums, he constantly tries out his new martial arts moves out on me and my ribs and he’s ruined breathing, blinking, tongue resting and pickled onion crisps for me.

They are just some of the moans blog readers will already know about but things like this happen all the time.

Take today for example.
The office alarm was going off for 10 minutes without any explanation.
It was annoying everyone so Dom tried to ease the situation by making his own high pitched noise in time with the actual alarm.

I could hear it over the music on my headphones – it was ridiculous – and that wasn’t even the worst thing he’s done today.

No word of a lie, just before eight this morning I was innocently accessing the office fridge when Dom jumped up on me with Exhibit A screaming ‘”Get out of my way!”

Worryingly the only non factual bit about the above statement and picture is that it was more than likely after eight.

Dom had a Subway for lunch, he returned with a sub a drink and a magazine.
The magazine taught him that Ronan Keating’s hit ‘Baby Can I Hold You?’ is actually a cover of a Tracy Chapman song.
Dom sang a bit of the song like Tracy Chapman – I thought it sounded like Dom’s Morrissey impression. This led to a conversation about female singers who sound like men.

Dom said he was never sure about Tracy Chapman, Dave said he was confused by Nina Simone.

Ian still hadn’t researched his so cleverly went with the below way of joining the conversation.

“Terence Trent D’Arby is another one,” Ian said.

“He’s another what?” Dom said.

“Oh he’s a he,” Ian said.

(EDIT – I was this far into the blog when Dom walked past and tried another move out – it almost ended in disaster when Dom started feeling his trousers pulling.
“That would have been embarrassing,” Dom said. “I wouldn’t have wanted to split my trousers while miming a Muay Thai move on Jamie.”)

That isn’t even my favourite Ian quote.
The best was when he enlightened us with the phrase “Did you know Big Daddy’s real name was Shirley Valentine?”

Sorry Ian.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The return of the blog

So Dom and I are back in work for the first time in more than two weeks.

Technically we did work together for a couple of hours yesterday but we finished before lunch and I didn't see the point in blogging Dom's McDonald's breakfast.
I couldn't leave it out completely so I'm documenting it today.

He enjoyed but said it left him feeling dirty.
He says whenever he eats something really greasy he feels like he needs a shower.

"It's like when I want to wash my face after I've had a Chinese," Dom said

Anyway, today was my first proper day in work with Dom.

The day started with Dom subbing some pages, I don't know what story he was reading but at one point he came out with 'I don't like the term brain child, it freaks me out."

He said the term always makes him think of a 'childlike brain' like Krang from the Turtles. (See fig 1)

Fig 1

Dom had a Bombay Badboy Pot Noodle today. Didn't talk about it, think he was hoping I'd leave the blog after such a long break.

Also just had one crisp from a big bag of pickled onion flavoured Monster Munch.
He said it's one of the foods that makes his mouth water before it is in his mouth. Said he gets a similar experience from Chipsticks.

When he said that I realised that my mouth was watering too.

I hate it when he does that.

He makes me aware of things that I have done for more than 25 years subconsciously.
He ruins little things that I have been blissfully unaware of carrying out.

So far he has ruined blinking, breathing and now pickled onion flavoured Monster Munch.

The worst one was when he pointed out that in its normal resting position your tongue goes to the roof of your mouth.

It does but I swear mine hasn't since.